澳兰戴 对话澳兰优方-走出孕期护肤误区

来源:网络 2020年11月25日 12:40

与Perfect Potion的直接对话-关于孕期产品使用的解答和常见误区





我们女生怀胎十月那么不容易,怎么可以这样亏待自己?Nonono, 为了让姐妹们变得更美,冰冰婧婧一定要探个究竟,为准妈妈们找到合适的产品!


于是冰冰婧婧想到,既然我们在澳洲有着这么得天独厚的好条件,有那么丰富的天然产品,何不在这些品牌中做些选择呢?为此,冰冰专门给Perfect Potion写了一封邮件,咨询有关孕期护肤。

终于真相大白了,好消息来了哦,原来我们Perfect Potion的产品,只要按照产品标签的说明使用,对于孕期完全是安全的哦


1. Bing:do you have any face toning products safe for using during pregnancy?


Perfect Potion:Our Face toning products, also known a s fine tuning solutions are all formulatedin dilutions safe for facial use which in Aromatherapy Clinical Treatment ishalf or less the strength of body dilutions.

(Perfect Potion:我们的爽肤产品,也就是肤色调理系列产品,都是经过稀释并且可以安全地使用在面部的。在香薰医学疗法中,用于面部的产品强度必须是用于身体的产品强度的一半或更低。)

This same strength (for facial products) is thesafe and indicated dilution strength for use in aromatherapy treatment productsfor health care.


So when we talk about essential oils being used inpregnancy, or any other time, and safety, it comes down to dilution and dose.


Dose means how much product is getting into yourbody over a given period of time. Like when you go the Herbalist and they saytake 5ml three times a day of this Herbal remedy. That is the amount need overthe day to have a therapeutic effect.


So that if you are using a fine tuning solution onyour face twice a day in a dilution appropriate for face (and in this case alsofor pregnancy) you are well within a safe dose.


If you take the same essential oils and use themin a higher dilution or all day long, then care needs to be taken because theessential oils will begin to have physical effects. Just like drugs.


Use the Perfect Potion fine tuning solutions orany other product, as directed on the label and you can’t go wrong.

(所以在使用 Perfect Potion的爽肤产品或任何其他产品时,只要按照产品标签上说明的使用方法的话,就不会产生任何问题。)

2. Bing:Is Neroli Water fine?


Perfect Potion: Neroli Floral water is fine andlovely to use all over.

(Perfect Potion: 橙花水是完全安全并且也可以在整个孕期使用的。)

3. Bing:I heard essential oil or rose ingredients are not good...


Perfect Potion :Again it is all about dose and dilution. Pure rose essential oil used to make up skincare by Perfect Potion, is in the appropriate safe dilutions for each intendedproduct.

Used as directed on the label, Perfect Potionproducts are safe to use throughout Pregnancy, or any other time.

(Perfect Potion:同样,还是涉及到用量和稀释度。Perfect Potion 护肤产品中所使用的纯玫瑰精油都是在安全的稀释度以内的。

只要按照产品标签上的说明使用,Perfect Potion的产品是完全可以在整个孕期或任何时期安全使用的.)

4. Bing:could you please recommend any massage oil works for pregnant stretch marks?

(冰冰:能不能请你推荐一款对于孕期妊娠纹有效的按摩油呢? )

Perfect Potion :To assist with stretch marks we would recommend the New Bloom Massage Oil. Rich inApricot, Avocado and Mandarin oils to sooth, enrich and support the skin.

(Perfect Potion:对于孕期妊娠纹,我强烈推荐孕味十足按摩油(NewBloom Massage Oil)。它富含杏仁,鳄梨果油以及橘子油,可以舒缓,滋润并且增加肌肤的营养。)

